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Angela Teufel

Angela Teufel

Senior Associate

Angela has over 15 years of experience in succession law, specialising in litigation, contentious estates and attorney/guardianship matters.

Angela has had the privilege of representing a diverse range of clients, including executors, applicants, beneficiaries, litigation guardians, attorneys, administrators, charitable organisations, and trustee companies.

Her knowledge and experience allow her to appreciate the broader implications and issues surrounding these matters and to have a holistic perspective in advising clients on their options.

The area of estates and guardianship involves profoundly personal and emotionally challenging matters. Angela’s knowledge and experience allow her to empathetically navigate the complexities of estate litigation and attorney/guardianship disputes.

Angela is regarded for her professionalism and dedication to assisting clients to achieve the best possible outcome while offering thoughtful guidance and support through the complex legal process.

Angela is also a member of STEP.


Need a Copy of a Will?

If you need a copy of a Will and/or are seeking legal advice, the team at O'Connor Rudy and Garrett can assist you. We will contact you to confirm additional details and then organise contacting the required parties to secure a copy of the Will for you.