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Claire Bullock


While pursuing her double Bachelors in Business and Law from the Queensland University of Technology (from which she graduated with Honours), Claire received recognition for her consistent academic achievements and was placed on the Faculty of Business & Law Dean’s List throughout all five years of her degree.

Prior to being admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland, Claire also gained experience working as a law clerk at O’Connor Ruddy & Garrett and actively assisted with succession law matters, including in Wills and Estate Planning, Estate Administration, and Estate Litigation.

Claire has a keen interest particularly in the realm of Estate Litigation, and is committed to applying her broad knowledge base to provide professional legal services and achieve successful outcomes for her clients.


Need a Copy of a Will?

If you need a copy of a Will and/or are seeking legal advice, the team at O'Connor Rudy and Garrett can assist you. We will contact you to confirm additional details and then organise contacting the required parties to secure a copy of the Will for you.